
lcdui.gauge — Creates a gauge widget that can be attached to a form.


lcdui.gauge [-label label] [-interactive 1 | 0 ] [-value value] [-maxvalue maxvalue]

$gaugecmd [cget -optname ] [configure -optname optval ]


Gauge items also utilize the common "item" options, described here: lcdui item options


The lcdui.gauge command creates a gauge element, and returns a command/object that can be used to manipulate it. For an in-depth look at the Java code that this command is based on, see: javax.microedition.lcdui.Gauge

The options for this command are as follows:

  • -value: An integer giving the initial value of the gauge, or, one of these special values: "continuous-idle", "continuous-running", "incremental-idle", or "incremental-updating". These values are utilized for non-interactive guages that can be used as progress meters. These values are explained in further detail on the javadoc page linked above.

    -maxvalue: An integer giving the maximum value of the guage, or "indefinite" if there is no maximum value.

    -interactive: Either 1 or 0, depending on whether the gauge is interactive, or is for display purposes only.


set form [lcdui.form -title "Gauge Example"]
$form append [lcdui.gauge -label "From 1 to 10" -interactive 1 \
		     -value 6 -maxvalue 10]
$form setcurrent

Live example: