
lcdui.font — Font information and manipulation command.


lcdui.font [names] [ fontname | cget -face | -size | -plain | -bold | -italic | -underlined | -height | -baselineposition ] [ fontname charwidth string [ offset [length ] ] ] [ fontname stringwidth string [offset [length ] ] ]


The lcdui.font command is used to fetch information about fonts. For an in-depth look at the Java code that this command is based on, see: javax.microedition.lcdui.Font

It accepts several subcommands:

  • names: Returns a list of all the available fonts.

  • fontname charwidth string: Returns the width, in pixels, of the given characters. Takes optional offset and length parameters.

  • fontname stringwidth string: Returns the width, in pixels, of the given string. Takes optional offset and length parameters.

  • fontname cget -option: Used to fetch information about a font. Allowed options are as follows:

    • -face: One of "system", "proportional", or "monospace".

    • -size: One of "small", "medium" or "large".

    • -plain: Returns a 1 if the font is "plain" - not bold, underlined or italic, or 0 if it isn't.

    • -bold: Returns 1 or 0 if the font is bold or not.

    • -italic: Returns 1 or 0 if the font is italic or not.

    • -underlined: Returns 1 or 0 if the font is underlined or not.

    • -height: Returns the standard height of a line of text in this font, in pixels.

    • -baselineposition: Returns the distance in pixels from the top of the text to the text's baseline.


set form [lcdui.form -title "Font examples"]

$form setcurrent

foreach f [sort [lcdui.font names]] {
    set s [lcdui.stringitem -text $f]
    $s configure -font $f
    $form append $s

Live example: